Other registers and services

When you want to expand your search

While the PPSR holds financing statements for most personal property, there are a few significant exceptions. These include land, buildings, and ships greater than 24 metres in length.


Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) holds authoritative information about land surveys and ownership, topographic maps and nautical charts.

Every time private land is bought or sold in New Zealand, Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) records the transaction onto the property title.

Conveyancers and lawyers lodge legal documents (transfers, records of sale, discharge mortgages, new mortgages), and LINZ registers the changes to the title.

Register of Ships

Maritime New Zealand maintains the New Zealand Register of Ships. The Register of Ships is a list of all vessels registered in New Zealand under the Ship Registration Act 1992.

Mortgages over ships are also recorded on this register.

Other service providers

A search of the PPSR may not always tell the whole story. For example, in the case of a motor vehicle search, it cannot tell you the current registered owner or whether the vehicle is stolen.

If you’re seeking additional information, there are a number of other providers offering targeted search services.

Typically, these aim to provide specific information to consumers considering the purchase of significant personal assets, such as a motor vehicle.

There are also third-party providers that offer searching and registration services specifically for the PPSR.

The level of service available and the associated costs will vary with each provider.

Most of these service providers will have their own websites.

All help topics

Getting started on the PPSR 8 guides

To register or search on the PPSR, you or your organisation must have an online services account. Find out more about the register, how to log in, set up your account, and create a secured party group.

Managing your online services account 6 guides

Your PPSR online services account allows you to update and manage your personal and organisation information, including contact and payment details, and passwords.

Searching the PPSR 9 guides

Information for debtors and consumers 5 guides

If you’re buying valuable used goods, or have bought something on hire purchase, leased property, or taken out a loan, you should know how the PPSR works, and how it can help you.

Paying PPSR fees 2 guides

Find out the fees for the online services you use on the PPSR, and your payment options.